Order Entry

Dine in Order #

  1. Select Dine In icon in Home Screen of Adoluna
  2. Select a table to open menu and begin taking orders
    • White color indicates table is vacant and ready to be sat.
    • Yellow color indicates table is vacant and not clean
    • Red color indicates table is occupied
  3. Continue to Creating Order

Take Out Order #

  1. Select To Go icon in Home Screen of Adoluna
  2. Continue to Creating Order

Pick Up Order #

  1. Select Pick Up icon in Home Screen of Adoluna
  2. Under Phone type in the customer’s phone number
    1. New customer select New Customer icon
    2. Existing customer
      1. Tap Customer information area to continue creating order
      2. Tap the Pen icon in order to edit customer information
  3. Editing pick up Customer Information
    1. Tap Skip to skip enter in customer information
    2. Tap Cancel to exit
    3. Tap Confirm to save the changes and continue to Creating Order
    4. Tap Order History to check past orders
      1. Select a past order to display
      2. Tap Cancel to exit
      3. Tap Copy Order to copy current displayed order to menu ordering screen
  4. Continue to Creating Order

Delivery Order #

  1. Select Delivery icon in Home Screen of Adoluna
  2. Under Phone type in the customer’s phone number
    1. New customer select New Customer icon
    2. Existing customer
      1. Tap Customer information area to continue creating order
      2. Tap the Pen icon in order to edit customer information
    3. Editing Delivery Customer Information 
      1. Tap Cancel to exit
      2. Tap Confirm to save the changes and continue to Creating Order
      3. Tap Order History to check past orders
        1. Select a past order to display
        2. Tap Cancel to exit
        3. Tap Copy Order to copy current displayed order to menu ordering screen

Creating Order #

Ordering Screen #

  1. Order type
  2. Server’s name
  3. Table Number (when the order type is Dine In) or Customer’s name (when the order type is To Go, Pickup or Deliver)
  4. Show menu category and menu items
  5. Show modifier category and modifier items
  6. Tap icon to exit without saving
  7. Search items
  8. Tap icon show menu item description
  9. Menu category or Modifier category
  10. Menu items or Modifier item
  11. Tap Save icon to save the order
  12. Tap Send icon to send the order to kitchen and save
  13. Tap Settle icon to save the order and process payment

Add item to cart #

  1. Select menu category to show all menu items in the selected category
  2.  Tap a menu item to add it to the cart
Custom Menu Item #
  1. Tap the Custom Menu Item to manually enter a menu item
  2. Select desired menu group as needed
  3. Select desired menu category as needed
  4. Enter in item name
  5. Enter in item price
  6. Enter in item quantity
  7. Select in item tax
  8. Select kitchen as needed
  9. Tap the Clear to clear all entries
  10. Tap the Cancel to exit
  11. Tap the Confirm to add the custom menu item to the cart

Change Order Type #

  1. If the order type needed to be changed from existing, tap the current Order Type
  2. Select Order Type and choose new type desired
  3. Select Confirm

Change Server #

  1. In order to change server’s name tap the current Server’s Name
  2. Select the desired server
  3. Select Confirm

Change Table #

  1. In order to change the desired table tap the current Table Number
  2. Select replacement table
  3. Select Confirm

Edit Customer #

  1. In order to edit customer tap the customer’s name
  2. Edit any information if needed, or change customer by enter in new customer’s phone number in the Phone search field
  3. Select Cancel to exit
  4. Select Confirm to apply changes

Edit Menu Item #

  1. Select the menu item desired to edit
  2. Tap the Pencil icon to access the submenu
  3. Select Quantity to change item quantity
  4. Select Price to change item price
  5. Select Discount than Percent or Cash to discount menu item
  6. Select Charge than Percent or Cash to add charge to menu item
  7. Select Confirm to apply all the changes

Hold Menu Item #

  1. In order to place a hold on a specific menu item select the menu item then tap the Clock icon
  2. Select the submenu and select the menu item needed to be held. (If all items need to be held check the Select All)
  3. Select the time desired to hold menu item
  4. Select Confirm

Reduce or Increase Selected Menu Item #

  1. Tap the ( – ) icon to reduce selected menu item
  2. Tap the ( + ) icon to increase more of selected menu item

Modify Selected Menu Item #

  1. Select menu item desired to modify
  2. Select Modifier to show options of modification
    1. Tap the Custom Modifier to manual entry modifier
    2. Select modifier category to show all modifier items in the selected category
    3. Select the modifier item to show options
    4. Tap the modifier item option to apply to the selected menu item
Custom Modifier #
  1. Tap the Custom Modifier to manually enter a modifier
  2. Enter in modifier name
  3. Enter in modifier price
  4. Enter in modifier quantity
  5. Tap the Clear to clear all entries
  6. Tap the Cancel to exit
  7. Tap the Confirm to apply the custom modifier to the selected menu item

Tax Exempt #

  1. Tap the Tax 
  2. Tap the Cancel to exit
  3. Select Confirm to tax exempted
    • Tap the Tax again to taxed

Add Tip to Receipt #

  1. Tap the Tip icon
  2. Select which desired tip icon from submenu
  3. Select Confirm to apply the tip
  4. Tap the Cancel to exit
  5. Select Custom to customize tip, capable to customize tip percent or cash tip

Apply Charge to Receipt #

  1. Tap the Charge 
  2. Select the desired charge from the submenu
  3. Select Confirm to apply the charge
  4. Tap the Cancel to exit
  5. Select Custom to customize specific charge

Apply Discount to Receipt #

  1. Select the Discount 
  2. Select the desired discount from the submenu
  3. Select Confirm to apply the discount
  4. Tap the Cancel to exit
  5. Select Custom than select desired customization percentage discount